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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Flex 4_5 Plugin for testing flex aplication with QTP

As we know QTP does not support Flex application. To automate Flex application you have to install Adobe Flex plugin for QTP which is an additional plugin & provided by Adobe to enabled Flex application to be automated by QTP.

Requirements for Using the QTP Plug-in :

HP QuickTest Professional 10 with Internet Explorer 7 & Internet Explorer 8 or HP QuickTest Professional 9.5 with Internet Explorer 6 & Internet Explorer 7
• Adobe Flex 4 Plug-in for Mercury QuickTest Pro (This you have to download from Adobe site)
• Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 6 or later
• Flash Player ActiveX control – the version of Flash Player required is the same as that supported by the Flex SDK being used to compile the application for testing.

Installing the Plug-in :

To install QTP :

1. First Install Flash Player for Microsoft Internet Explorer. This is currently the only supported browser/player.
2. If you are using Mercury QTP on Microsoft Windows Vista you need to turn off the User Account Control (UAC) feature.
3. Restart your computer.

To install the Flex 4 Plug-in for Mercury QuickTest Pro :

1. To download QTP plugin for Flex application Goto ( Login to Adobe site with existing login or create new login & download this zip file.
2. After fetting the Adobe Flex 4 Plug-in for HP QuickTest Pro zip file , unzip it on the machine where you want to install the plug-in. 2. Double Click on the Install_QTP_Plugin.bat.
3. Restart your machine.

The plug-in installer will include the following in the installation directory:
• AIR folder which will have the AIR related dlls
• FLEX folder which will have the Flex related dlls
• Uninstall_QTP_Plugin.bat Double clicking on this bat file will uninstall the QTP Plug-in.
• ReadMe.txt file.

If you want to uninstall this plugin simply run Uninstall_QTP_Plugin.bat & restart your system. Always remember do not delete you plugin installer folder.
To check if you installation is sucessfull.Check TEAPluginIE.dll,TEAPluginQTP.dll files in registery.

Now Open QTP you should see Flex & AIR plaugin in you Add-IN Manager. 
You can test application as this is sample application created by adobe for you to know if your plugin is working.

Some more links related to flex automation :

Monday, June 6, 2011

Count number of checkboxes & set them ON.

Dim obj,AllObj

Set obj= description.Create()
obj("html tag").value = "input"
Set obj= browser(" Browser Name").Page("Page Name").ChildObjects(obj)
msgbox Allobj
For i = 0 to Allobj -1

Working with files

Create text file & adding a line to it :

Dim f1, fso
Set fso= createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")
Set f1= fso.createtextfile ("D:\QTP\QTP_FSO\file2.txt", true)
f1.writeline "Hello This is new file"

Open a Text file & read line :

Dim f1, fso,ReadLineTextFile,
Set fso= createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")
Set f1= fso.opentextfile ("D:\QTP\QTP_FSO\file2.txt" ,ForReading)
ReadLineTextFile = f1.ReadLine
msgbox ReadLineTextFile

Check if file already exist :

Dim f1, fso,ReadLineTextFile,file1
Set fso= createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")
If fso.FileExists("D:\QTP\QTP_FSO\file2.txt") Then
 msgbox "File Already Exists"
msgbox "File does not exist"
Set f1= fso.createtextfile ("D:\QTP\QTP_FSO\file2.txt", true)
f1.writeline "Hello This is new file"
End If
Set f1= fso.opentextfile ("D:\QTP\QTP_FSO\file2.txt" ,ForReading)
ReadLineTextFile = f1.ReadLine
msgbox ReadLineTextFile
set file1= fso.GetFile("D:\QTP\QTP_FSO\file2.txt")

Appending a file :

Dim f1, fso,ReadLineTextFile,Readfile
forappending=8,forReading= 1
Set fso= createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")
 If fso.FileExists("D:\QTP\QTP_FSO\file2.txt") Then
  msgbox "File Already Exists"
msgbox "File does not exist"
 Set f1= fso.createtextfile ("D:\QTP\QTP_FSO\file2.txt",false)
f1.writeline "Hello This is new file"
 end if
 Set f1= fso.OpenTextFile("D:\QTP\QTP_FSO\file2.txt", 8)
f1.WriteLine" This line is appended as second"
 Set f1= fso.OpenTextFile("D:\QTP\QTP_FSO\file2.txt",1)
ReadFile = f1.readall
msgbox ReadFile

Search a Specific String in a Text File :

Dim fso, f1, MyPos, SearchString, SearchChar
   Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   Set f1 = fso.OpenTextFile("D:\QTP\QTP_FSO\file2.txt", 1,True)
 Do while f1.AtEndofStream <> True
     SearchString = f1.Readall
      SearchChar = "Hello"
msgbox SearchString
msgbox SearchChar
MyPos = Instr( 1, SearchString, SearchChar, 1)
   If MyPos >=0 Then
  msgbox "TextFound"
   Exit Do 
msgbox "Text Not Found"
         End If
msgbox MyPos

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

FileSystemObject : Working with Folders

The FSO object model gives your server-side applications the ability to create, alter, move, and delete folders, or to detect if particular folders exist, and if so, where. You can also find out information about folders, such as their names, the date they were created or last modified, and so forth.
The FSO object model also makes it easy to process files. When processing files, the primary goal is to store data in a space- and resource-efficient, easy-to-access format. You need to be able to create files, insert and change the data, and output (read) the data.

FileSystemObject is main object. Contains methods and properties that allow you to create, delete, gain information about, and generally manipulate drives, folders, and files. Many of the methods associated with this object duplicate those in other FSO objects; they are provided for convenience.

Here I am presenting some basic scripts to Create Folder, Copy Folder,Delete Folder, Move Folder , See if Folder Exist or not.
working with this rich set of properties of FSO you need to firset cretae your FSO objec than use FileSystemObject methods provided.

Script to Create Folder :

Dim fso , oFolder
Set fso = createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")  
Set ofolder= fso.createfolder ("C:\QTP_FSO")                                

Script to Delete Folder :

Dim fso , oFolder
Set fso = createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")
fso.DeleteFolder (""C:\QTP_FSO")

Script To Copy Folder from One location to other:

Dim fso , oFolder
Set fso = createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")
fso.CopyFolder "C:\QTP_FSO" , "D:\QTP\Functions\" ,True

Script To Move Folder from one location to other :

Dim fso , oFolder
Set fso = createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")
fso.MoveFolder "C:\QTP_FSO" , "D:\QTP\Functions\"

Script to Check if folder already exist :

Dim fso , ofolder
Set fso = createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")
If fso.FolderExists("C:\QTP_FSO") Then
MsgBox "Folder Already Exist"
msgbox "Folder does not exist"
Set ofolder= fso.createfolder ("C:\QTP_FSO")
End If